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New London: Historical Research Guide: Recently Digitized CT Docs

Researching any aspect of New London history can be tricky. This guide is intended to create a common starting place for college researchers from any field. If you have suggestions for improving the guide, please let us know.


Shain Library government documents librarian has been creating digital archives of noteworthy state and local government publications, all backed up online in Internet Archive and available in OneSearch. Read about the initiative here and browse selected documents below.


2018 Connecticut Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (2021).


1990-2021 Connecticut Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (2023).


1990-2022 Connecticut Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (2024).


2019 Developer's Guide: [New London] Live, Work, Invest (2019).


An Action Plan for the Development of the Thames River Area (1980).


ALICE in CT: Financial Hardship Study (2020).


Amtrak Northeast Corridor (NEC) Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Phase I (2014).


Amtrak NEC Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Phase II Pilot Study (2015).



Bank Street [New London]: South Water Street Project (2018).


Bates Woods Park: Environmental Review (1979).


Bluff Point--Master Plan Study: Design Principles for a Shoreline State Park: Groton, Connecticut (1965).


Bluff Point to Preston Trail Committee: Tri‐Town Trail Master Plan (2009).


Building Connections: Hodges Square Village, New London CT (2019).

Building a Low Carbon Future for Connecticut: Achieving a 45% GHG Reduction by 2030 (2018).

Centering Equity in Climate Change Resilience Planning: A Guide for Connecticut
Municipalities (2022).


Citizens' Bulletin (1973-1991). 


A Citizen’s Guide to Creating Pollinator Habitat in Connecticut (2017).


Comprehensive Pedestrian Safety Strategy (2021).


Connecticut Statewide Bus Study (2022).


City of New London Best Management Practice Guidelines for the Treatment and Control of Invasive Plant Species (2018).


City of New London Community Resilience Building Workshop: Summary of Findings, August 2018.


Climate Action Plan (2022).


Climate Change and Health in Connecticut (2020).


Community Connectivity Program: New London: Route 32 (Mohegan Avenue) Road Safety Audit (2016).


Community Health Needs Assessment (2019). 


Comprehensive Energy Strategy (2018).


Connecticut Active Transportation Plan (2019). 


Connecticut's 2020 Forest Action Plan (2023)


Connecticut Maritime Strategy (2018).


Connecticut Transportation by the Numbers: Meeting the State's Need for Safe, Smooth and Efficient Mobility (2017).


Connecticut Watershed Response Plan for Impervious Cover: Effects of Stormwater on Water Quality (2015).


Creative Placemaking Pilot Program [in Hodges Square]: New London, Connecticut (2013).


Docket no. 20-05-13: PURA Study of Community Choice Aggregation [Community Power Energy] (2021).


Eastern Connecticut Corridor Rail and Transit Feasibility Study (2023).


Effective Establishment of Native Grasses on Roadsides in New England: A Report Prepared for the New England Transportation Consortium (2016).


Envision Plum Island: A Connecting Landscape of History, Nature, Research (2020).


Feasibility Study of the Redevelopment of the Former Seaside Sanitorium (2016).




Financial Hardship Among People with Disabilities: Connecticut (2022).



Connecticut: Our Changing Climate (2020)


Environmental Quality in Connecticut (2020).


Final Report for the SCCOG Congestion Management Process (2017).


Fort Trumbull Vision: New London, Connecticut (2011).


Garbage Gazette (1982-2005).

How Effective Are Bring Your Own Bag Laws? (2020)


Initial Survey of Plum Island's Marine Habitats (2020).


Integrated Resources Plan: Pathways to Achieve a 100% Zero Carbon Electric Sector by 2040 (2021)


Long Island Sound Blue Plan (2019).


Long Range Regional Transportation Plan FY 2015-2040 for Southeastern Connecticut (2015). 


New London 2023 Equity Profile (2023).


New London County Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin (1953-1990).


New London Downtown Transportation and Parking Study (2017).


New London Landmarks Union Railroad Station Trust Newsletter (1976-1980).


New London Public Safety Policy Review Committee (2021).


Nourishing Change: The New London County Food System Baseline Report (2013). 


Olmsted in Connecticut (2022).


Plan of Conservation and Development, City of New London, Connecticut (2007).


Taking Action on Climate Change and Building a More Resilient Connecticut for All (2021)



Plan of Conservation and Development, New London (2017).


Report on the Status of Women and Girls in Eastern Connecticut (2018).


Rolling Boulders Uphill: Rethinking Reentry Wage and Policy Barriers Will Benefit Connecticut’s Communities and Economy (2023).


Seaside State Park Master Plan (2016).


The Self-Sufficiency Standard for Connecticut (2019).


Southeastern Connecticut Housing Needs Assessment 2018.


Southeastern Connecticut Metropolitan Transportation Plan, FY 2019-2045 (2019).


Southeastern Connecticut Regional Bike & Pedestrian Plan (2019). 


Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resilience Guidebook (2017).


State of Connecticut Report on Police Use of Force 2019 and 2020 (2022).


State Pier Municipal Development Plan, New London (1999). 


Statewide Waste Characterization Study (2015).


Stormwater Management Plan (2017)


Strengthening CT's Organics Recycling Mandate (2016).


Thames River Heritage Park Plan: New London and Groton, Connecticut (2015).


Towards Health Equity in Connecticut (2020).


Watershed Management Framework Plan, City of New London (2020).


Who’s Influencing Connecticut Climate and Clean Energy Politics? Five Questions (2021)


Zoning for Equity: Identifying Planning and Zoning Barriers to Affordable Housing (2022).