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New London City Directory
Early directories contained lists of individuals, their addresses, and occupations. Later directories included a yearly calendar, street maps, railroad schedules, and engravings of public buildings, along with local information about town offices, courts, public schools, various societies, and business listings. Some directories even included marriage, birth, and death information.
Touring Eugene O'Neill's New London by Robert A Richter
Created as part of Eugene O'Neill's New London: the influence of time & place a millennial celebration and exploration of Eugene O'Neill and New London County in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (1885-1915) sponsored by the Arts Alliance of Southeastern Connecticut and Connecticut College.
Building American Submarines, 1914-1940
This book provides an assessment of the Navy's efforts between 1914 and 1940 to develop effective submarines. Developing effective submarines involved extensive public-private partnerships to bring the relatively primitive submersibles of the First World War up to speed for the Second World War. A fair amount of this activity took place right here in New London county.