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Economics: Search Tips

A select list of Economics resources that are available from the Charles E. Shain Library at Connecticut College.


Relevant keywords for searching economics topics might include the following:

  • behavioral economics
  • development economics
  • economic history
  • economic policy
  • economic theory
  • engineering economy
  • environmental economics
  • finance
  • macroeconomics
  • microeconomics

Search Tips for OneSearch


Browse for known items

If you know the author, title, subject or call number of what you’re
looking for, a Browse search is the most efficient way to find it in
the system.


Select your search scope
After you’ve submitted an initial search term to enter the new library system, try limiting to one of the following six main search scopes. For example, if you know you only want to see book results at Connecticut College, then limit your search to ConnColl Books and Media.

  • Everything
  • ConnColl Books and Media 
  • CTW Books and Media
  • Articles Only
  • Course Reserves
  • EBSCO Content


Refine results
After you enter a keyword search, use the facets on the left to refine your search results. Two especially useful limiters are Library and Location/Collection. Use these to display only what’s available in a particular library or library location.


Phrase searching
To search for an exact phrase, type quotation marks around the phrase. This can be combined with other keywords or phrases as needed. 


Wildcard searches
To replace a single character in a search with a wildcard operator, use the ?. For example, wom?n searches for both women and woman. To truncate a search term, use the *. For example, immigra* searches for immigrant and immigration.


Combine search terms with AND, OR, and NOT
You can do more than just a simple search by placing the following operators between words or phrases: AND, OR and NOT, which must be entered with uppercase letters.


Grouping search terms
You can use parentheses to group terms to clarify the order of multiple operators specified in a query.


Why sign in?
When you sign into OneSearch, you are able to do the following:

  • Add items you found and queries you submitted permanently to your e-Shelf. You can save items from your results list to your basket, and you can save queries that you have performed for future use.
  • Set alerts for your queries. You can set a query to become an alert — that is, to run automatically and send you an email notification once the system locates new items answering your search criteria.
  • Access external licensed resources. The institution offers licensed information resources to its users. Once you sign in, you can search and retrieve items from these additional resources.
  • Use library services. You can benefit from library services such as requesting items.
  • Tag and review items. You can assign words or phrases to items to help you organize and locate items later.