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Economics: Welcome

A select list of Economics resources that are available from the Charles E. Shain Library at Connecticut College.


Reference librarians are available to help you navigate the library's collections, including finding, interpreting, and documenting information. Not sure where to start with an assignment or project? Schedule a research consultation with one of our librarians. You can also consult our FAQs.

Staying Current

 Stay current on the latest news in global politics, economics and business. All current Connecticut College students, faculty and staff have access to individual subscriptions to The Economist and the Wall Street Journal. Students can also subscribe to the NY Times. Instructions for setting up your account are linked below.

The Economist

Wall Street Journal

New York Times 


Undergraduate Economic Review

The UER is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at promoting high quality undergraduate research. It is supported by the Department of Economics and The Ames Library at Illinois Wesleyan University.

Check their site for submission deadlines. Articles are welcome from undergraduate researchers on any aspects of economics. If you have any questions, please contact the editors through their website.