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An introduction to RefWorks, a web-based bibliography and citation manager that enables users to create their own personal database of citations by importing references from the library catalog, library databases, and elsewhere.
Creating Bibliographies


Create a Bibliography from one or more references.

  1. While viewing a list of citations, select the desired references (or select none to use all references) and select Create Bibliography.
  2. Optionally select a different citation style. By default, the bibliography appears in the last style you used in RefWorks.
  3. Select Copy to Clipboard and paste the bibliography as text into your document.

Or use Quick Cite to insert one or more citations into your paper or bibliography.

  1. While viewing a list of citations, select Create Bibliography, then select Quick Cite. A dialog box appears.
  2. Select the citation style to use and select Continue.
  3. To insert one reference, hover your mouse over the reference and select Copy citation. To insert multiple references as a unit, select the citations to insert and select the Copy to Clipboard icon. Paste the text into your document.
  4. To insert a bibliography, select the relevant references, either using the checkbox or the star icon, and select Continue to bibliography.
  5. Select Copy to Clipboard and and paste it into your document.
Quick Cite Tutorial Video