Listen to examples of other PSAs to get ideas for your own. There are tons of PSAs out there on the internet and radio that you can easily find.
If you know of a good PSA that you want to share here, please let us know via Ask a Librarian.
Ad Council check out the latest PSAs from the Ad Council, an American nonprofit organization that produces, distributes, and promotes public service announcements. Some of their most iconic campaigns include: Smokey Bear; Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk; A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste; in addition to a long history of leading life-saving communications in times of national crisis.
Balloons Blow, Don't Let Them Go provides information to educate people about the destructive effects released balloons have on animals, people, and the environment, and strives to inspire and promote an eco-conscious lifestyle.
BirdNote is a two-minute radio show that combines rich sounds with engaging stories, to illustrate the amazing lives of birds and give listeners a momentary respite from the news of the day.
Bureau of Economic Geology produces EarthDate, a public service radio program with a mission to engage listeners in earth science and reconnect them to the wonders of their world.
Captain America on saving energy (1980) by the United States Department of Energy featured superhero Captain America showing Gen X kids how to conserve energy.
Energy Conservation PSA contains dramatic sound effects with educational facts displayed on screen.
I Learned It by Watching You (1980) a classic PSA from the 1980s war on drugs.
Keep America Beautiful: The Crying Indian (1970) one of the country's most well-known television public service announcements in the early 1970s during the heyday of environmentalism, the announcer says: "People start pollution; people can stop it."
The More You Know: “Kids Bring More Than Lunch to School“ talks about the unexpected things kids bring to school, including bruises, drugs, and teen pregnancy.
On the Road, Off the Phone was part of a campaign on educating teens and novice drivers about the dangers of distracted driving.
Pee Wee Herman's crack cocaine PSA showed a very serious Pee-wee Herman warning kids everywhere of the dangers of crack cocaine.
Science and the Sea is a production of The University of Texas Marine Science Institute with the goal of conveying an understanding of the sea and its myriad life forms to everyone, so that they, too, can fully appreciate this amazing resource.