This guide is intended to help you get a start on papers and projects in the histories that are not North American. Given the breadth of world geography, as well as the breadth of transnational ideas, this guide cannot be a complete list of anything anyone might need. But by using the materials presented, as well as following the advice given on finding other materials, it should help you get a good start. Please feel free to email me over particular topics, or make an appointment for a consultation.
Other related guides may cover more specific sources on your topic:
You can find lots of materials in our Reference collection to get you started, and to use for topic development. The collection is located to the right of the Reference Desk. You can browse by checking the books in the D and G classes. Some reference books are geographically organized; some are by topic. Or, you can go to OneSearch, and using searches like Africa and encyclopedia, or Islam and encyclopedia, you can find titles like the following examples: