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Open Access and Copyright

An introduction to open access and copyright.


Remixes, adapted works, or derivative works are created when someone takes an existing CC-licensed work and modifies it in some way to create something new. This can include changes such as editing, translating, cropping, or combining elements from multiple sources.

Licensing Considerations:

  • Verify Permission to Create Derivatives

    • Check for “No Derivatives” (ND) Clauses: Some CC licenses (e.g., CC BY-ND) prohibit the creation of remixes or adaptations. Before you begin, confirm that the original work’s license permits modifications. If it doesn’t, you can still make and use changes privately but you cannot share your adaptation with others.

  • Provide Appropriate Attribution

    • Follow the Attribution Requirements: Regardless of how you transform the original work, you must credit the original creator as specified by the license. Typically, this includes the author’s name, title of the work, source (such as a URL), and the specific CC license under which the work was released.

    • Indicate ChangesMany CC licenses require you to note if changes have been made. Clearly state that your work is a remix or derivative and describe the modifications to avoid misrepresenting the original work.

  • Manage License Compatibility and ShareAlike Requirements

    • ShareAlike (SA) LicensesIf the original work is licensed under a ShareAlike license (such as CC BY-SA), your remix must be distributed under the same or a compatible license. This ensures that derivative works remain free and open under similar terms.

    • Combining Works from Different LicensesWhen your remix incorporates elements from multiple CC-licensed works, ensure that the licenses are compatible.

The CC License Compatibility Chart below shows which CC-licensed material can be remixed. To use the chart, find a license on the left column and on the top right row. If there is a check mark in the box where that row and column intersect, then the works can be remixed. If there is an “X” in the box, then the works may not be remixed unless an exception or limitation applies. 

"CC License Compatibility Chart" by Creative CommonsCC BY 4.0