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- Climate Change Knowledge Portal: Historical Data - Contains historical temperature and precipitation data aggregated from 2-degree gridded data to the country and subnational levels for the period covering 1901-2020. Click on the time series tab.
- Daily Synoptic Weather Maps - Daily synoptic weather maps for the Northern Hemisphere from January 1,1899 to March 31, 1971. Additional documents as well source and analysis for some years for the listed date range are available.
- Foreign Climate Data - Climatological data with a time period coverage range from the 1830s through the 1970s, with most data from the period prior to 1960, Each series typically includes observations for a number of meteorological and other geophysical parameters. Collection spans over 80 separate pages according to country and/or region.
- George Washington Carver and Tuskegee Weather Data - Volunteer weather observations taken at the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama, from November 1899 through June 1954
- Monthly Weather Review and Supplement - The Monthly Weather Review covers research related to analysis and prediction of observed and modeled circulations of the atmosphere, including technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant case studies. The Supplements featured contributions to the science of meteorology and weather forecasting that were too voluminous to publish in the regular Monthly Weather Review.
- National Hurricane Center Data Archive - NHC's Data Archive products include reports such as Tropical Cyclone Reports and Advisories, Past Track Seasonal Maps, and Tropical Cyclone Climatology.
- U.S Daily Weather Maps - Historical daily weather maps from 1871 through 2002.
- WorldClim - Global Climate Data - Provides historical and current climate data and includes forecasts.