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Getting Started with Tableau: Projects to Practice Your Skills

An introduction to data analysis and visualization using Tableau.

Tutorial Examples Using Tableau

Choosing the Right Visualization Tools for COVID-19 Data

Rob Wells, Assistant Professor of Data Journalism, University of Arkansas, and the editor and publisher of, discusses choosing the right visualization tools for COVID-19 data, including Tableau and Flourish.

Visualization of Numerical Data: Introduction

John C. Hart, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign, uses Tableau software to introduce the visualization of numerical data.


If you would like to hone your Tableau skills but aren't sure where to start, check out the following projects run by Tableau community members.

Here is an example of a project that I recreated following Andy Kriebel's Watch Me Viz, The Benefits of Working from Home. Here is Andy's original viz on Tableau Public. This is a fantastic way to learn new techniques and methods.