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NAACP Papers at Shain Library: Content

This guide will give you an overview of the organization and content of the microform NAACP Papers.

Organization of the NAACP Papers

This is a list of the separate sections of the Papers.  Most sections have a paper guide containing some detail; these guides are shelved behind the Reference Desk.

Part 1: 

  • Meetings of the Board of Directors, Records of Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and Special Reports, 1909-1950
  • Supplement to Part 1, 1951-1955
  • Supplement to Part 1, 1956-1960 
  • Supplement to Part 1, Minutes of the Board of Directors, Secretary's Reports, Records of Annual Conventions, and Annual Business Meetings, 1961-1965
  • Supplement to Part 1, 1966-1970, Meetings of the Board of Directors, Records of Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and Special Reports

Part 2:

  • Personal Correspondence of Selected NAACP Officials, 1919-1939

Part 3:  The Campaign for Educational Equality, 1913-1965

  • Series A: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1913-1940
  • Series B: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1940-1950
  • Series C: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1951-1955
  • Series D: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1956-1965

Part 4:

  • Voting Rights Campaign, 1916-1950
  • Supplement to Part 4, Voting Rights, General Office Files, 1956-1965

Part 5:

  • The Campaign Against Residential Segregation, 1914-1955
  • Supplement to Part 5, Residential Segregation, General Office Files, 1956-1965

Part 6:

  • The Scottsboro Case, 1931-1950

Part 7: The Anti-Lynching Campaign, 1912-1955

  • Series A: Anti-Lynching Investigative Files, 1912-1953
  • Series B: Anti-Lynching Legislative and Publicity Files, 1916-1955

Part 8: Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System, 1910-1955

  • Series A:  Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1919-1939
  • Series B:  Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1940-1955

Part 9: Discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces, 1918-1955

  • Series A:  General Office Files on Armed Forces' Affairs, 1918-1955
  • Series B: Armed Forces' Legal Files, 1940-1950
  • Series C: The Veterans Affairs Committee, 1940-1950

Part 10:

  • Peonage, Labor, and the New Deal, 1913-1939

Part 11:  Special Subject Files, 1912-1939

  • Series A: Africa through Garvey, Marcus
  • Series B: Harding, Warren G through YWCA

Part 12: Selected Branch Files, 1913-1939

  • Series A: The South
  • Series B: The Northeast
  • Series C: The Midwest
  • Series D: The West

Part 13: The NAACP and Labor, 1940-1955

  • Series A: Subject Files on Labor Conditions and Employment Discrimination, 1940-1955
  • Series B: Cooperation with Organized Labor, 1940-1955
  • Series C: Legal Department Files on Labor, 1940-1955
  • Supplement of Part 13, The NAACP and Labor, 1956-1965

Part 14:

  • Race Relations in the International Arena, 1940-1950

Part 15:  Segregation and Discrimination: Complaints and Responses, 1940-1955

  • Series A: Legal Department Files
  • Series B: Administrative Files

Part 16:  Board of Directors Correspondence and Committee Materials, 1919-1955

  • Series A: 1919-1939
  • Series B: 1940-1955
  • Supplement to Part 16, Board of Directors Files, 1956-1965
  • Supplement to Part 16,Board of Directors Files, 1966-1970

Part 17:

  • National Staff Files, 1956-1965
  • Supplement to Part 17, National Staff Files, 1956-1965

Part 18:  Special Subjects, 1940-1955 

  • Series A: Legal Department Files
  • Series B:  General Office Files: Abolition of Government Agencies - Jews
  • Series C: General Office Files: Justice Department - White Supremacy

Part 19:  Youth File

  • Series A: 1919-1939
  • Series B: 1940-1955, American Jewish Congress - Motion Picture Project
  • Series C: 1940-1955, NAACP - Youth Builders
  • Series D: 1956-1965, Youth Department Files

Part 20:

  • White Resistance and Reprisals, 1956-1965

Part 21:

  • NAACP Relations with the Modern Civil Rights Movement

Part 22:

  • Legal Department Administrative Files, 1956-1965

Part 23: Legal Department Case Files, 1956-1965

  • Series A: The South
  • Series B: The Northeast
  • Series C: The Midwest and Far West

Supplement to Part 23, Legal Department Case Files, 1950-1972:

  • Series A: The South
  • Series B: The Northeast
  • Series C: The Midwest

Part 24: Special Subjects, 1956-1965

  • Series A: Africa - Films
  • Series B: Foreign Affairs - Leagues and Organizations
  • Series C:Life Memberships - Zangrando

Part 25: Branch Department Files

  • Series A: Regional Files and Special Reports, 1941-1955
  • Series B: Regional Files and Special Reports, 1956-1965
  • Series C: Branch Newsletters and Printed Matter
  • Series D: Branch Department General Subject Files, 1956-1965

Part 26: Selected Branch Files, 1940-1955

  • Series A: The South
  • Series B: The Northeast
  • Series C: The Midwest
  • Series D: The West

Part 27: Selected Branch Files, 1956-1965

  • Series A: The South
  • Series B: The Northeast
  • Series C: The Midwest
  • Series D: The West

Part 28: Special Subject Files, 1966-1970

  • Series A: Africa - Poor People's Campaign
  • Series B: Powell, Adam Clayton - White Supremacy

Part 29: Branch Department Files, 1965-1972

  • Series A: Filed Staff Files
  • Series B: Branch Newsletters, Annual Branch Activities Reports, and Selected Branch Department Subject Files
  • Series C: Branch Newsletters and Regional Field Office Files, 1966-1971
  • Series D: Branch Department General Subject Files, 1966-1970

Part 30:  General Office Subject Files, 1966-1970

  • Series A: Subject Files