The Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series is comprised of 528 volumes that present the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity that have been declassified and edited for publication.
FRUS begins with the administration of Abraham Lincoln in 1861. Each volume has a subject and author index. There is also typically a table of sources and abbreviations at the beginning of each volume.
The organization of FRUS is generally chronological, but the dates of the volumes do not necessarily reflect the dates of documentary history. See access options below.
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Access FRUS from the Department of State, Office of the Historian.
Search within the volumes, or browse volume titles by administration.
HeinOnline's FRUS database provides an excellent platform to access exact replicas of the 528 print volumes. Also included in the database are more than 1,000 other works related to U.S. foreign policy in addition to the entirety of Title 22 (Foreign Relations) of the Code of Federal Regulations.
See their search tips here.
After opening the database by clicking on the link above, select the Foreign Relations of the United States database by name, then click on the FRUS name again to open the collection.
Access FRUS via UWDC from the Lincoln administration (1861) through the Eisenhower administration (1960), with missing volumes being added as they can be acquired and processed.
FRUS is also available in print in Shain Library as follows: