Subject Headings
Library of Congress Classification for Religion
(Philosophy, Psychology, Religion)
B - Philosophy (general
BC - Logic
BD - Speculative philosophy
BF - Psychology.Parapsychology. Occultism
BH - Aesthetics
BJ - Ethics. Social usages. Etiquette
BL - Religion, Mythology, Rationalism
BM - Judaism
BP - Islam. Bahaism.Theosophy, etc.
BQ - Buddhism
BR - Christianity
BS - Bible
BT - Doctrinal theology
BV - Practical theology
BX - Christian denominations
Search the OneSearch to find books, video's, government publications and journal titles. The catalog can be searched by author, title, keyword or subject and contains the holdings of Connecticut College as well as Trinity College and Wesleyan University. To search for books and media outside of the local catalog, use WorldCat.
Contemporary American Religion
Wade Clark Roof, editor
REF BL 2525 C65 2000 (2 vol.)
Encyclopedia of the American Religious Experience
Charles H. Lippy and Peter W. Williams, editors
REF BL 2525 E53 1987
The Encyclopedia of American Religions: Religious Creeds
J. Gordon Melton, editor
REF BL 2525 E524 1988
The Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion
Robert Wuthnow, editor
REF BL 65 P7 E53 1998 (2 vol.)
The Encyclopedia of Religion
Mircea Eliade, editor
REF BL 31 E46 1987 (16 vol.)
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics
James Hastings, editor
REF BL 31 E4 1917- 1922 (13 vol.)
Encyclopedia of Religion and Society
William H. Swatos, editor
REF BL 60 E53 1998
Religions of the World
J. Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann, editors
REF BL 80.3 R45 2002 (4 vol.)
Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion
Serinity Young, editor
REF BL 458 E53 1999
Dictionaries – General – Religious Studies
Encyclopedia of Religion
Vergilius Fern, editor
REF BL 31 E55
HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion
Jonathan Z. Smith, editor
REF BL 31 H37 1995
New Dictionary of Religions
John R. Hinnells, editor
REF BL 31 P48 1995
Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
John Bowker, editor
REF BL 31 O9 1997
Atlas of Holy Places and Sacred Sites
Colin Wilson
ATLAS CASE BL 580 W55 1996
Atlas of the Bible
John Rogerson, editor
ATLAS CASE BS 630 R6 1985
Atlas of the Bible and Christianity
Tim Dowley, editor
ATLAS CASE G 2230 D68 1997
Atlas of the Early Christian World
Translated and edited by Mary Hedlund and H.H. Rowley
ATLAS CASE G 1046 E4 M42
Atlas of the World’s Religions
Ninian Smart, editor
ATLAS CASE BL 80.2 A84 1999
Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World
Isma’il Rag, al Faruqui,, editor and David Sopher, map editor
REF BL 80.2 F28
The Macmillan Bible Atlas
Revised edition
Yohanan Aharoni and Michael Avi-Yonah
ATLAS CASE G 2230 A2 1977
New Historical Atlas of Religions in
Edwin Scott Gaustad and Philip L. Barlow
ATLAS CASE G 1201 E4 G3 2001