To find the right research materials, there's plenty to navigate. Connecticut College has two libraries filled with books, a center for special collections and archives, and numerous electronic resources that include books and articles. What's more, we can get you additional materials - books, as well as articles - by borrowing them from other institutions. Here's a quick list of some of the most important things to know as you search for materials to help you complete your project.
Library materials are located on all floors of the library.
The library has many resources and services available. Here is a quick guide to what is on each floor.
Printers are located throughout Shain Library. Each printer also has options for scanning and copying. See this page for more detailed information.
Printing costs are $.09/double-sided B&W sheet and $.05/single-sided B&W sheet, $.18/double-sided color sheet and $.10/single-sided color sheet.
There are many ways to get help with your research.
Shain Lbrary provides a Course Reserves service. Print and video material on course reserves is kept at the Circulation desk during the academic year and should be requested there. Search here for reserve items. For policies and guidelines regarding this service refer to Course Reserves & Policies.
The Interlibrary Loan service (ILL) borrows or obtains copies of library materials unavailable in our own collection. ILL requests can be made for books, articles or book chapters, dvds, cds, videos, microfilm, etc. Place requests from within library databases or through your account. Requests for books owned by Trinity College or Wesleyan University may be placed directly through OneSearch.
Access to databases is restricted to current CC faculty, students and staff. If you are accessing these resources from off-campus, you will be prompted to log in with your network user name and password. For more information, or if you have trouble, ask a librarian.